Dr. med. Eduarda Jurševiča Estētiskās medicīnas klīnika
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The path to perfect skin. Treating acne

The path to perfect skin. Treating acne

Acne is not only a cosmetic defect, which oftentimes could make us turn away from our own reflection in the mirror. This disease requires a special and professional approach for treatment. Evenia Velenteichik, a dermatologist at the Lipex clinic, talks about how to prevent the disease from progressing.

What is acne?

Acne is a disease caused by a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. Due to excessive production of sebum (seborrhea), there is a blockage in the ducts of the sebaceous gland of the hair follicle.

Androgens play the leading role in this process. These are steroid hormones produced by the gonads of both women and men. Therefore, the disease occurs in both sexes, but most often during a period of hormonal changes - in adolescents and in women after 40 years.

Acne often leads to cosmetic defects – dots, scars, pimples, red spots, blackheads and cysts. It manifests itself in different ways, depending on the severity of the disease. For the most part, it affects the face (the T-zone - forehead, nose and chin) and other “seborrheic zones”, in which the density of the sebaceous glands is higher. These include the ears, scalp, interscapular region, chest, shoulders.

Causes of acne

Up to 80% of people face acne at least once in their life. There are factors that provoke the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands (hyperproduction of sebum) and the appearance of inflammatory foci:

  • changes in the function of the hormonal system (puberty, certain phases of the cycle, pregnancy, menopause);
  • endocrine factors;
  • genetic factors;
  • unbalanced diet, bad habits;
  • improper skin care;
  • use of certain medications.

Clinical forms of acne

Dermatologists distinguish four degrees of acne according to severity:

  • 1st degree, comedonal acne - the presence of comedones and separate papules;
  • 2nd degree, papulopustular acne - papular rash and a small number of pustules, a more severe form of acne;
  • 3rd degree, conglobate/nodular acne - papules, pustules, and 3 to 5 nodules. Systemic treatment is required;
  • 4th degree, a severe form of acne - a pronounced inflammatory reaction in the deep layers of the dermis with the formation of multiple painful nodes and cysts. Complex treatment is required.

Non-inflammatoryClosed comedones (also subcutaneous acne) - rashes consisting of compacted and inflamed skin secretions (mostly black and gray).

  • Open comedones (black spots) - have the same nature as closed ones, but appear exclusively on the surface of the skin.


  • Nodules - solid subcutaneous nodular formations, which are accompanied by inflammation and pain. In some cases, they may be surrounded by pustules.
  • Papules - painful small red pimples that do not have purulent content.
  • Pustules are well-marked (“classic”) pimples. Accompanied by purulent discharge and pronounced inflammation.

Acne has several stages, which the doctor will help determine. In each case, the treatment differs. Therefore, it is very important not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor in a timely manner to solve the problem.

Acne treatment

In the clinic, we use not only medication, but also combined therapy, uniting classic treatment with a diode laser or photodynamic treatment. As a result, the healing process is faster. Complex acne therapy is carried out taking into account the severity of the disease, the presence of hormonal status and other diseases the patient may have.

The main tasks of acne therapy are to remove comedones, cleanse the face of inflammation and slow down the process of increased secretion of fat and keratinization of the sebaceous gland.

Drug store cosmetics

If the right products for skin care of a problematic can be found in pharmacies and drug stores, in the treatment of acne, all medications are prescribed only by a doctor, depending on the severity of the disease. In mild forms - local therapy in the form of therapeutic creams and gels, scrubs and foams. These drugs contain azelaic acid, retinoids (vitamin A derivatives), benzoyl peroxide and are for external use.


The papulopustular form is usually accompanied by inflammation. If there are minor rashes caused by the pustules, external antibiotics are also prescribed. In more severe forms of acne, when inflammation or even cysts occur, systemic therapy is prescribed for oral administration (antibiotics - minocycline, doxycycline, tetracycline and erythromycin, systemic retinoids).

Hormone therapy

In the conglobate form and in case of other accompanying diseases endocrine pathology, gynecological diseases, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract), treatment is carried out by the relevant specialists in parallel to each other (corrections to the treatment are made collectively). After the elimination of a pronounced inflammatory process, the treatment is combined with physiotherapeutic procedures.

Diode laser treatment

The diode laser procedure is an opportunity for effective local treatment of acne on the face and body without taking antibiotics. Diode laser helps to remove inflammation, stagnant spots, post-inflammatory pigmentation.

The procedure is completely safe and painless due to the integrated system of contact cooling of the skin of the laser located on the maniple. The effect is noticeable after the first procedure. Facial acne may require 4-8 treatments. The course of procedures allows the elimination of 90% of inflammatory elements. The procedure is best done at intervals of 1 week. Upon completion of the course, the achieved result is maintained for several years (depending on the individual characteristics of the body). Post-acne treatment also provides excellent results.

Photodynamic therapy

It is an antibacterial procedure that helps to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The manipulation is very simple: first, a special gel is applied to the affected areas - a photosensitizer. The composition of the gel includes components sensitive to thermal effects.

After application, the photosensitizer selectively, concentrates in the groups of cells lining the ducts of the sebaceous glands and, under the influence of pulsed laser radiation, is metabolized to a substance, further irradiation of which leads to the destruction of the pathological cell.

The effect of photodynamic exposure becomes noticeable some time after the procedure. For the most positive result, a course of 4 to 6 procedures is required.

Laser resurfacing

This is an aesthetic procedure that helps even out the surface and color of the skin post-acne. During the session, the laser acts on the upper and middle layers, removing various defects and enhancing self-regeneration processes. As a result, the epidermis is renewed and the skin acquires a healthier appearance. Depending on the size of the scars, either one procedure and a course of manipulations may be required.

Rehabilitation after the procedure is 5-7 days, the effect is long-lasting. To enhance the effect, additional biorevitalization and plasma therapy can be used.

Geneo+ treatments

This treatment does not cure acne, but allows to maintain it in optimal condition. It allows patients to rejuvenate the face and make it more toned in one session. It promotes deep cleansing of the skin, micro-peeling, exfoliation and enrichment of the skin with biologically active ingredients. With the help of an innovative Capsugen capsule and a natural nourishing gel, a facial cleansing procedure is carried out. The content of the capsule enhances blood circulation, increases cellular metabolism, improves tone, saturates the skin with oxygen, and helps to introduce active ingredients, such as zinc.

Afterwards radiofrequency lifting is perfomed, as a result of which the facial frame is strengthened. Ultrasound tightens pores, removes excess moisture and toxins, increases the absorption of applied nutrients. For a lasting effect, a course of 4-8 procedures is required.

Proper nutrition

During the treatment, the nutrition of the patient is adjusted. The intake of coffee, chocolate, dairy products and fast carbohydrates is limited.

This complex therapy leads to a faster treatment.

Can acne be permanently cured?

Acne treatment takes a while and lasts at least four months. Therefore, the first visit to a dermatologist begins with a consultation! We always inform our patients that they need to set their mind to long-term work on the problem alongside the doctors. Only a mutually trusting relationship between the doctor and the patient is the key to success in treatment.

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