Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine of Medical Doctor Edward Yurshevich
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Patient information Preparing for operation

Preparing for operation

Preparing for operation

  • On the day chosen for an operation, you should come to the clinic in the morning (your stomach is empty).
  • Please bring your passport or another identification document (your driver’s license, an ID-card). The Sum and time of payment for the necessary implant or compression hosiery is determined when you visit the doctor.
  • All necessary medical examinations are conducted in our clinic within two weeks before an operation.
  • The results of your examinations you can get from your surgeon.
  • Before an operation one should not take any medications which influence the coagulability of blood. You can find the names of such medications in the doctor’s office.
  • One day prior to an operation it is recommended to abstain from food.
  • If your plans have changed and you cannot come to consult your doctor/take procedures or to be operated/, please inform the managers in advance by ph. +371 76333322, 67579208 (reception). The Administration and Dispatching Office works daily from 8 a.m. till 7 p.m. (except Saturday and Sunday).
  • Before an operation you will sign an official Agreement (in duplicate) in which all the details connected with the performance of the operation are stipulated.
  • You will have one copy of it.
  • In case of spontaneous recession from an operation/surgical procedure you will be paid the money back adjusted for the cost of already rendered services.
  • On the fixed day you should come to the clinic in the morning (9. a. m.). In case your operation is fixed for the second half of the day — light breakfast in the morning is possible but intake of liquid 3-4 hours prior to an operation is undesirable.
  • On the day of an operation one must not take any medicines unless agreed by the doctor. 3-5 hours prior to an operation it is desirable not to smoke and it is forbidden to chew chewing gum.
  • On the day of an operation it is necessary to bring your passport, the Agreement, a change of footwear, personal hygiene belongings. The price of an operation includes stay in a comfortable ward, meals and an individual medical service.
  • All surgical actions are painless. The method of anesthesia is chosen by the doctor-anaesthesiologist individually according to the peculiarities of the forthcoming operation. Doctors-anaesthesiologists use modern anaesthesiological equipment and effective anaesthetics, providing reliable and safe anesthesia.
  • Surgical manipulations are performed under local, general, combined and other kinds of anesthesia (on doctor’s order). Before the operation anaesthesiologist will talk to you. After a small operation with local anesthesia, you will be able to go home in 3-8 hours after the surgical procedure.
  • After an extensive operation with general anesthesia you can leave home in 1-3 days. If necessary your stay in hospital of the clinic can be prolonged.
  • Observance of the doctor’s recommendations before a surgical intervention guarantees good results and absence of risk for your health.
  • A unified system of rehabilitation does not exist. After an operation the surgeon develops an individual complex of rehabilitation actions: antiseptic care of postoperative scars, physiotherapeutic treatment (special schemes), medical cosmetic procedures, laser correction, etc. the Purpose — healing of wounds in the shortest possible time, plus achievement of visual and moral satisfaction of the patient by the gained results.
  • During the postoperative period the surgeon works together with a dermatologist and a cosmetician.
  • After you are discharged from hospital it will be necessary for you to visit your surgeon for bandaging, removal of sutures, monitoring your postoperative condition.
  • During the early period after the operation it is necessary to exclude excessive physical activities, overheating (hot shower, bath and sauna), and uncontrolled taking of medicines.
  • Any questions connected with the postoperative state of health which cause your anxiety, please convey to your surgeon.
  • We urgently advise you not to make any independent decisions and actions for speeding up the process of rehabilitation.
  • For each plastic operation we develop complex individual rehabilitation programs, which promote the fastest recovery and secure the obtained results.
  • Rehabilitation is an individual process. Please follow the recommendations of your surgeon and cosmetician undeviatingly, do not listen to advice of “experts in the street.” Do not make comparative analysis; each person has his own algorithm of rehabilitation after surgical intervention.
  • Predicted improvement of your health condition after the operation depends on strict fulfillment of all doctor’s instructions, your patience and positive attitude.
  • The site contains average parameters of the postoperative process.

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