Dr. med. Eduarda Jurševiča Estētiskās medicīnas klīnika
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Weight-reducing treatment

Weight-reducing treatment

Millions people of both sexes and different ages have excessive weight but they do not have a hunch that this is adiposity. Their bodymass index is more than 30 kg/m2. Adiposity is not just corpulence but a disease that requires medical aid. Doctors are extremely concerned and speak about a world pandemia – the inhabitants of the Earth are growing stout. According to authoritative researches, for last 10 years the quantity of corpulent people has increased by 75 %. The problem has not avoided any state of the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), during the last decades the general excess weight of the world population has grown 3 times as much and has reached menacing figures: 1 of 3 adult people suffers from an excess weight, and 1 of 8 from adiposity. Today more than half of the European population have an excess weight: BMI is more than 25 and less than 30 kg/m2 and 30 % of the population have adiposity, i.e. BMI is more than 30 kg/m2. Experts the WHO predict by 2025 a double increase of people with adiposity, which is a serious threat for health and vital resources of the people. Adiposity is an indisputable risk factor for premature death. Every year from the diseases connected with adiposity more than three million people die in the world. Huge number of men and women try to cope with their corpulence: they follow strict diets, torture themselves with physical activities, resort to medicines, physiotherapy and massage... However, in 95 % of cases these tactics appear ineffective, short-term and at times unsafe. And yet. Normal weight is not a transcendental dream. Use of new surgical methods guarantees essential and fast and, what is most important, a most stable result. As a rule, they are applied at heavy forms of adiposity (bodymass index is more than 40-50 kg/m2 and presence of an accompanying pathology). Surgery is a very serious thing – performance of any operation for a patient with adiposity requires the highest qualification of the surgeon and modern clinical equipment. Interest of many stout people in effective strategy of correction of weight without an operative intervention also is obvious. Such a method has been invented. For those who need to get rid of 20-40 and more kg to stabilize the result and to bring down the weight to the norm, it is possible to recommend an effective non-surgical treatment of adiposity – reduction of stomach volume by means of an intragastric balloon.

  • Installation of intragastric balloons BIB® System and ORBERA®/BIB
  • Implantation of Spatz3 Adjustable Ballon Intragastric Balloons

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