Diagnosis and treatment
The complexity of the morphological structure of the skin, a wide range of physiological functions which she all the time executes, and also variety of negative factors that affect on her – all this determine variety of skin diseases. Today medicine known for more than two thousand. Dermatological disease – it's a pathological process which violates the integrity and functioning of the skin, skin appendages (hair and nails), and mucous membranes. Skin diseases the doctors face belong to a rather non-uniform group of diseases. It can be both real skin pathology and a dermatological component of various diseases of a person's organs and systems.
In our clinic we perform all-round diagnostics and effective treatment of many skin problems- Chronic inflammatory diseases of skin: blackhead rash (acne, comedons), psoriasis, photodermatoses, atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis), eczema, rosacea (pink blackheads), red flat and pink lichens, vasculitis, pyodermia, seborrheic dermatitis, ichthyosis, erythroderma, various bullous dermatoses.
- Skin forms of diffuse diseases of conjunctive tissue: scleroderma, system lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis and polymyositis, etc.
- Skin allergic diseases: atopic dermatitis, allergic nettle rush, diffuse neurodermatitis, contact dermatitis, etc.
- Infectious eczemas: exudative and knotty eczema, impetigo, intertrigos, dermatological changes at various diseases, etc.
- Pigmentation impairment: hyper-melanosis (freckles, chloasma), hypo-melanosis (vitiligo), linear pigmentation of the forehead, perioral dermatitis, melasma medicamentosa, hypomelanosis: lentigines, lentiginosis, vitiligo, etc.
- Skin infectious diseases: herpes, viral papilloma infection, folliculitis, furunculosis, etc.
- Dermatological problems of the face skin: dermato-cosmetological types of skin, syndrome of "cosmetic intolerance", "cosmetic status", allergic and irritative dermatitis from cosmetics, etc.
- Diagnosis and treatment of fungal skin diseases: mycosis, keratomikosis, moniliasis, dermatomycosis, candidamycosis, eritasma, tinea versicilour (petyriasis versicolor, etc.
- Diagnostics and treatment of the skin new growths : nevuses, condylomas, angiomas, lipomas, papillomas, moles, warts, etc.
- Diagnostics and treatment of skin: fungoid diseases of nails and hair.
Elimination of skin neoplasms
Removal of small vessels with laser
Our skin is a truthful reflection of everything that occurs to us. It is a “cloth” weaved from deep internal processes, taking place in our organism. The skin has periods of increased “emotionality” when it starts to itch, redden, peel, inflame and become covered with “a vascular mesh”. Beginning with 30-years of age many people endure this process for the rest of their lives. Women and men suffer from skin “whims” practically equally. Is it a cosmetic defect or a disease? To understand it we should know the reasons of vascular pathology and mechanisms of its development. A significant progress in the development of laser techniques allows us to look at this problem from a new angle. It is possible to get rid of vascular “graffiti” on the face and body once and for all effectively and safely.
What is your problem?- Reduction of the skin tone.
- “Vascular mesh” on the skin.
- “Vascular asterisks” on the skin of the face and legs.
- Pigmentary spots.
- Wrinkles and red face.
- “Wine” stain.
- Cuperose on the cheeks.
- “Coffee stains”.
- Birthmark on the face.
- Lentigo.
- Seborrheic keratosis.
When should you take the procedure?
Any of the listed problems is pathology of skin and an aesthetic defect at the same time. In itself “vascular asterisks” are not hazardous to health, but they signal that vessels must be strengthened. Is it necessary to get rid of what does not compliment your appearance? Undoubtedly, yes. The decision is yours. Some skin defects can be “delayed-action bombs”; therefore a visit to a doctor becomes actual as soon as you find “something” on your skin.
- A “vascular drawing” is a very frequent problem. Women get it at the age of 30 years — 8 %, by 50 years — 41 %, by 70 years -72 %. Men’s parameters are these: 1 %, 24 % and 43 %, accordingly. Telangiectasia is burst small blood vessels and their local expansion. Venous, capillary and arterial vessels may be expanded. They have a steady red color. As a rule they are localized on the skin of legs, face and less often on the trunk. The major factors of this skin pathology: genetic predisposition, hormonal “storms”, infections, skin diseases, sunlight, traumas, thermal influence, radiation, surgical incisions.
- Various hormonal impairments provoke women’s “vascular mesh”. To make sure, that this formation is not a threshold of a varix or another disease, it is necessary to see a phlebologist. Hormonal vascular meshes often appear after abortions, pregnancy, ovary cysts, myomas, climax and use of hormonal contraceptives. A gynecologist must participate when diagnosing telangiectasias.
- When deeper vessels extend the disease has a global character and is called Cuperose. It is characteristic mostly for people with light skin. Skin sensitivity is a factor of predisposition to cuperose. Because of special susceptibility such skin responds to harmful external influences by sensations of burning, pricking, itching, sometimes reddening or inflammation. These reddenings are homogeneous, have no clear-cut borders and appear as a rule on cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. In the initial stage of disease, reddening and a burning sensation can be temporary. Subsequently the vessels extend and lose elasticity, the redness becomes constant and the color becomes more intensive and the feeling of discomfort becomes stronger. Cuperose more often occurs to women than to men.
- Small brown specks with a rough surface can appear approximately after 35 years on the back, but after 40 years spots appear on other parts of the body. This is a manifestation of a seborrheic or solar keratosis. In their early stage they are called “senile specks”. In the course of time they grow. Any brown speck, which appears on the face and body after 30 years of age will not disappear; it can grow and be condensed. The best decision is to get rid of it.
- Melasma and chloasma are spots of brown/chestnut color on the forehead, cheeks, lips, nose or forearms. It is a result of impairment of pigment synthesis. Women often get them on the background of hormonal fluctuations connected with pregnancy, intake of contraceptives and hormonal preparations and also because of abusing sunburn.
- Before the procedure we recommend to take a complex examination at a gynecologist’s (women) and an andrologist (men), and see an endocrinologist, to make your hormonal background normal.
Any inflammatory processes and malignant new growths in the prospective zone of processing, infectious diseases, diabetes, impairment of blood circulation, serious cardiovascular diseases, system diseases of conjunctive tissue, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis in a stage of aggravation, epilepsy.
N. B.Procedure on removal of “vascular asterisks” should better be performed after visiting a phlebologist to exclude a possibility of vein diseases and contraindications for the procedure.
In our clinic
Telangiectasias, “wine stains”, expansion of veins, “vascular asterisks”, angiomas, hemangiomas, cuperose and rosacea, various pigmentary formations of skin (lentigo, “coffee stains” and seborrheic keratosis are those defects of skin, which “vascular” lasers can cope with. To eliminate all visible signs of skin pathology we apply (on indications) the lasers QuadroStar + and MeDioStarХТ produced by the company Asclepion Laser Technologies GmbH.
Laser QuadroStar + Asclepion enable to remove quickly and evenly pathological formations on vast areas. A unique cosmetic effect is achieved at the minimal patient’s discomfort. Laser coagulation: the beam passes through the skin, is absorbed by the blood hemoglobin, transformed into heat and solders the vessel. Especially effective the laser QuadroStar + Asclepion are when struggling against rosacea. When choosing a clinic offering laser procedure, it is advisable to make a choice in favor of one, which has lasers of the last generation. Why? They provide an optimal combination of parameters necessary for effective treatment (power, length and duration of impulse, the diameter of the beam). Therefore the doctor can make coagulation of vessels of any type and diameter. Lasers of the new generation are equipped with a system of cooling — the skin cannot be burnt. They influence without pain — comfort of the procedure is guaranteed. After the procedure on the skin there is a small reddening which disappears in 24 hours. For correction of superficial vascular pathology we use the laser MeDioStarXT (on indications).
It is not necessary. An effective system of cooling is used. Anesthetizing cream is applied in case of increased individual sensitivity.
Efficiency and safety
It ensures exact, predicted and safe influence on a pathological center. Computer control of depth of influence is a guarantee of excellent medical results. Practically no rehabilitation period.
Laser removal of pigmentary spots, tattoos and permanent make-up
According to statistics each second person sooner or later faces various skin problems. One of the troubles trapping us, irrespective of the gender and age is infringement of the skin pigmentation. Melanosis or hyper pigmentation is one of the topical dermatological problems. Pigmentary spots can appear in any part of the person's face and body. They neither represent a serious health hazard nor affect the working capacity or quality of life. Certainly it is possible to put up with such an imperfection of skin but anyway it is better to understand the cause of the pigmentary spots and to get rid of them.
What is your problem?- After very serious and long herpes pigmentary spots appeared above the upper lip and have been here for some years.
- Pigmentary spots appeared during pregnancy.
- After the acne rash there are pigmentary spots on the face and back.
- Hyper pigmentation appeared after a chemical peeling.
- It seems that my skin is inclined to have a posttraumatic pigmentation. Any injuring influences (peeling, scrub) aggravate the problem - pigmentation becomes even stronger.
- I have been trying to get rid of pigmentary spots for a long time - I do peelings, masks, I use special creams and whey. In winter they are less visible but they do not vanish by 100%. In summer they appear again and become more intensively colored.
- I have always used contraceptives. I'm not taking them now but pigmentary spots have all the same appeared.
- Unsuccessfully made permanent make-up. It's better to get rid of it than to correct.
- Once «for company» I made a tattoo, now I very much want to remove it.
- There are cells called melanocytes, which are responsible for pigmentation. They produce the main pigment melanin that makes the skin colored. Its quantity can vary under the influence of different factors - internal and external. When such changes happen, some parts of the skin have the melanin pigment in abundance and hyper pigmentation takes place and we see precisely outlined congestions of melanocytes. They paint the skin in a range of colors from light yellow up to dark brown. Ephelides, melasmas, chloasmas, traces of Dermatitis, spots of photosensitization, diffuse hyper pigmentation... There are a lot of versions of hyper pigmentation. Their medical classification is complex and multidimensional.
- Focal change of skin color can have a genetic nature. The light skin is genetically most susceptible to melanin reactions; therefore ephelides (freckles) more often appear with white-skinned and red-haired people. They appear as a result of the profound synthesis of melanin without a raised quantity of melanocytes. Ephelides is a sign of youth. By 35-40 years they gradually "fade", their quantity decreases, and at a senior age they can disappear at all. What is important, ephelides are never a consequence of any disease and do not signal about a malfunction of work of internal organs.
- Pigmentary spots can speak about a change of metabolism in the organism, gynecologic and endocrine diseases, disorder of gastroenteric path function, and problems with the kidneys, liver and pancreas.
- A change of the natural color of the skin is a result of natural fluctuations of the women's endocrine profile (pregnancy/lactation/menopause), as well as a long use of hormonal contraceptives, unreasonable application of some medical products. One more reason is hypovitaminosis. Deficiency of vitamins A, С, and РР intensifies the melanogenesis.
- Abusing cosmetics and perfumes made of some essential oils can provoke formation of pigmentary spots. After some cosmetic procedures, which were carried out with infringement of technology a similar skin reaction is possible.
- Often there is a post inflammatory pigmentation of skin especially after acne and posttraumatic hyper pigmentation after any mechanical trauma.
- Pigmentary spots is a consequence of superfluous isolation, i. d. uncontrollable infatuation for artificial sunburn (sun deck) or excessive stay in the sun. Ultra-violet radiation is most intensive and dangerous from 10.00 till 16.00.
- Ageing is a principal cause of hyper pigmentation. Cells in the "senior" age lose the ability to supervise the manufacture of the pigment melanin - the quantity of melanocytes rises and they are spread irregularly. In the middle and mature ages 80 % of women are subject to pigmentation. Age pigmentation, which is also called "senile ripples", is actually a certain age threshold plus the influence of ultraviolet. Localization: the face skin, the hands and the forearms, the zone of décolleté and the upper part of the back.
When should the procedure be done?
If you are not indifferent to your health, then you should act wisely: at the time a focus of hyper pigmentation appears please go and consult the doctor. Our practice shows that a visit to a dermatologist is usually connected with the aesthetic part of the problem. It is a skin defect, which essentially spoils the appearance and gives much psychological discomfort to the patients. Patients often are absolutely ignorant of the possible reasons of such skin reactions. One should always remember: the skin is an indicator of our health.
The first step on the way to the skin improvement is its diagnostics. Special equipment allows estimating all its parameters and gives detailed information on the structure of epidermis, derma and subcutaneous fat as well as its thickness, elasticity, extensibility and etceteras. The next step: a complex program of diagnostic examination. It is an opportunity to assess a state of your health as a whole, to reveal pathological centers and to develop individual effective tactics of treatment. Almost in 85-95 % of cases the diagnosis proves to be true by clinical findings. To make a treatment optimal it is often necessary for experts of different types to cooperate: a derma-cosmetologist, a gynecologist, an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist and a therapist... In some cases a consultation of an oncologist is necessary. Why? Malignant new growths of the skin can disguise as pigmentary spots. Therapy of hyper pigmentation is always combined - it is important not only to get rid of cosmetic defects by means of aesthetic medicine but also to exclude any possibility for new nevi to occur.
Precedents, when there is a pigment in the skin but cosmetological, coloring are ordinary enough today. It is a question of a permanent make-up, aesthetic dermopigmentation (inter-dermal permanent make-up) and an artistic tattoo. The demand for such procedures has unfortunately generated a lot of "experts" who are not having thorough theoretical background, due skills and experience. Consequences of non professionalism and use of outdated equipment are sad: rough eyeliner, deforming the cut of the eyes, a distorted form and unnatural color of the eyebrows, asymmetry of the shape and the warped contour of the lips and etc. Upset women are compelled to urgently look for a more qualified master to make correction or... make a decision to get rid of the poorly made tattoo-make-up. The main thing in such cases is not to take hasty actions. It is necessary to regard the choice of a clinic and an expert with all due care.
Today tattoos are popular with many people-they are made by the youth, middle-aged people and even those of a mature age. However... the boom for tattoos is gradually fading. More and more people wish to get rid of the "painting" on their skin. The statistics is rather indicative - more than 37 % of them regret that have subjected themselves to such an experiment.
Patients who decide to remove pigmentary spots, an irrelevant tattoo or an unsuccessfully made permanent make-up as a rule have a strong motivation but they have fears that after the procedure there will be an ugly scar. Such excitements are groundless - the arsenal of the doctors contains modern technologies of the aesthetic medicine. Laser therapy is the most progressive, optimal and effective method. High accuracy, selectivity, safety are basic advantages of the laser application. A patient receives a cosmetic result which cannot be surpassed by any other method.
The essence of laser technology is a selective (point or fractional) influence on the cells with a high concentration of melanin or colorant. The choice of laser technology, which includes the length and intensity of a light wave, is determined according to the condition and specific features of the skin, location of the spot/colorant, its kind, size, intensity of color, depth of position, depth of the vessels location and other characteristics.
When choosing a clinic offering a laser procedure, it is better to prefer the one with multipurpose selective lasers of the latest generation. Why? First, for treatment of one pathology or cosmetic defect they often have to use various lasers. Second, lasers which adversely influence the surrounding tissues, overheating them are still used. An inevitable burn and then a posttraumatic scar appear. Solving one problem, there is a risk to receive another. Selective lasers of a new generation can provide an optimal combination of parameters necessary for effective treatment (capacity, duration of the impulse and diameter of the beam). The method of the pigment/colorant selective destruction in the skin allows the doctor to cope with pigmentary spots of any type, size and origin and to remove them completely to prevent the formation of a cicatricial tissue. Exact and predicted exposure to a pathological center, a computer control, safety for surrounding tissues and a fast healing are those components, which guarantee an excellent medical and cosmetic result. Again we appeal to you to choose a clinic and an expert with due care!
Aggravation of chronic diseases, acute infectious diseases, derangement of the blood coagulability, inflammatory process/mechanical damage/malignant new growths in the prospective zone of processing, atopic dermatitis in the stage of aggravation, psoriasis, pregnancy, the period of lactation, hormone-dependent bronchial asthma, diabetes, system diseases of the connective tissue, chemical peeling that was made less than 2 weeks ago, propensity to excessive scarring (keloid cicatrix).
In our clinic
Procedures of removing pigmentary spots, tattoos, permanent make-up are carried out by means of one of the most vanguard lasers of today - the ruby laser Tatoo Star R of the German company Asclepion Laser Technologies which has a faultless reputation in the market of medical laser technologies. The innovative concept of scientists-developers has changed the system of radiation delivery and has improved the laser influence to the maximum.
To concentrate energy in a very small object (a particle of a melanin pigment or colorant), Tatoo Star R radiates in a Q-Switched mode very short (nana-second) impulses with a highest capacity. Energy of such an impulse creates super-power shock waves, which are selectively absorbed by pigmentary formations (melanin of the skin, colorants of a tattoo or a permanent make-up), "breaking" them into fragments - micro particles. Thus the surrounding fabrics are not damaged at all. There is no risk of their overheating and coagulation. The molecular structure of the pigment/colorant collapses, and their micro particles are deduced from the organism by the lymphatic system. By means of the TatooStar R doctors have an opportunity to effectively delete various pigmentary spots, pigments-colorants of the tattoo-make-up, professionally made tattoos which are situated in epidermis as well as amateur tattoos and old professional tattoos whose granules of colorant are usually situated deeply in the dermal area. The probability of scars occurrence when using the Q-Switched-Laser TatooStar R is minimal!
TatooStar R essentially differs from other laser systems. Scientists-developers have equipped the laser with a fractional nozzle which allows processing greater sites of skin during one session of treatment. Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine of Medical Doctor Edward Yurshevich is the only clinic in the Baltic area, which has this laser. Patients can count on maximal comfort, predicted aesthetic results and fast rehabilitation.
Duration of the procedure
It depends on the size of the pigmentary formation/tattoo, its density (intensity)/depth of position, color, and also the type/quality of the colorant. As a rule it lasts about 30-40 minutes.
Number of the procedures
At derangement of pigmentation 3-5 procedures with an interval of 4-6-8 weeks (under indications) are required on the average. During this time a restoration of the skin is taking place. When a colorant was artificially injected under the skin - 6-12 laser exposures are necessary. If the basis of a pigment is a metal oxide (of iron or titan) more than 20 sessions may be required. On the average during one session the tattoo is clarified per 15-50 %. Quantity of procedures is an individual parameter. Clarification of a skin pigment occurs gradually in the process of level-by-level destruction of melanin/colorant by a laser beam. Medical effect after each session becomes more and more obvious. Regeneration of the skin occurs within 2-3 weeks.
Usually it is not required. At a low painful threshold local anesthesia (an anesthetizing cream/gel) can be offered especially if a processing of an extensive area of skin is required.
After the procedure
The procedure is carried out in an out-patient mode; therefore it will not break the habitual rhythm of your life.
When processing artificially injected colorants (permanent make-up), right after the laser exposure the skin becomes whitish. The small hypostasis disappears within 1-3 days. For 3-5 days a special gel or cream (under indications) is applied on the processed area. Sometimes a sterile bandage is required. Within 10-14 days a dense brown crust is formed, which after a while is spontaneously torn away.
When processing pigmented areas of skin, the brown pigment becomes more saturated. This effect is kept for about 3 weeks then a punctulated peeling appears and the pigment brightens. Later on it is necessary to keep this area away from direct sun rays and use a sun-protection cream with the SPF-filter 50-60.
It is desirable to drink 1-2 liters of water a day to improve the drainage (deducing) of the pigment/micro particles of the tattoo/permanent make-up via the lymphatic system. The process of "washing away" the fragmented particles from the organism takes place continuously for some weeks to come. The speed of their excretion depends on the intensity of the derma and hypoderm exchange processes of each individual person.
During the first week after the laser exposure the skin should be protected from injure no cosmetic means or make-ups should be applied, hot baths, saunas or massage should be excluded as well as sports exercises.
Complications- Dispigmentation. Manifestation of hypo-pigmentation is connected with the used length of the laser wave. For the majority of the patients it has a temporary character and completely disappears within 4-12 months. The intensity of hyper-pigmentation is connected with the type of the patient's skin - dark-skinned patients are more predisposed to it. Application of sun-protective means with a high factor of protection helps to avoid complication. Additional prescription of medical preparations sometimes is required.
- Structural changes or scarring. Temporary structural changes disappear within 1-2 months. Increase of the intervals between the procedures up to 10-12 weeks considerably reduces the risk of constant structural changes.
- Allergic reaction to the products of disintegration of the tattoo pigments. The laser does not deduce the pigment from the skin but it transforms it in such a way (chemically as well) that the organism can perform its destruction itself. Some chemical compounds that appear can cause a system allergic reaction. In case such a reaction appears, the further laser removal of a tattoo is not recommended!
- Insolation can provoke a relapse. Tanning right after laser procedures leads to an intensive regeneration of melanin; as a result a repeated hyper-pigmentation appears (a significant dimness of the skin area).
- Violation of the doctor's recommendations
Treatment of hair loss and skin diseases of the head
Why does hair behave like autumn foliage in windy weather? Why do hairs cease to grow, become dull, lose elasticity, become dry, fragile and drop out? Experts say there are many reasons for that. Clear is this: when the locks become thinner, it means that the follicles cease to produce hair. What should be done, if special shampoos, masks, creams, emulsions, extracts, grassy decoctions, poly-vitamins, massages, medicines... have already been tried but the result is far from desirable? No need to despair. The medical science offers essentially new effective approach in treatment of hair loss – by means of PRP-therapy.
What is your problem?- Hair grows very slowly.
- Hair is thin, dry, and lifeless and has noticeably thinned.
- The hairs break and become fluffy.
- Every morning I find more and more hairs on the pillow.
- The head skin is very dry.
- Allergy after coloring the hair and waving (the skin reddens and itches).
- Purple plaques on the head skin, the hair grows dull and drops out.
- Scaly red spots on the head skin, the hair drops out impetuously.
- There are some high temples.
- The skin of the head scales off.
- The head skin and dandruff are very greasy.
- Chronic overfatigue and stress – the hair has started to drop out .
- With the years the hair becomes noticeably thinner.
- The hair becomes gray too early.
- The tips of the hair constantly split.
Why does hair lose its beauty and vital potential?
Let's begin, as our ancients used to say ab ovo – from the very beginning. Any healthy hair, straight or curly, should be elastic, moderately covered with skin fat and have similar thickness along the full length. It should have a rich pigmentation and a high level of moisture, and certainly, should be intact along the full length. Loss of these qualities can never be missed. "Hair is a treasure, which we perceive as an unconditional reality but losing it, we give way to despair", – said the French physiologist Claude Bernard. His conclusion is not lost in time and it will always be topical.
Nothing in our life occurs causelessly, explanation can be found for everything. If your hair has always grown badly and made problem (thin, weak, dry, fatty), most likely the cause is the genetic. The speed of growth and the structure of hair is transferred hereditably. Predisposition to baldness too. The quantity of hair bulbs in the skin is genetically caused and varies from 100 up to 150 thousands. In the course of time, alas, they do not grow in number, but just the reverse. There is data that women at the age of from 40 to 50 can lose up to 20 % of their hair. The abnormal hair loss (baldness) occurs to 35 % of men after 30 years of age and almost 50 % – after 40-50 years. However, the vegetation on the head can start thinning irrespective of age. Young is not an insurance policy at all. It is necessary to clearly understand: the hair loss is a symptom of illness.
Your hair has ceased growing, lost its power and grown dull. It has thinned and remains on the pillow and the hairbrush. Its unhealthy condition is quite often provoked by psychological factors. A strong and constant psycho-emotional stress, a chronic weariness and sleeplessness are especially dangerous. Permanent anxiety or an endured shock can result in appearance of early gray hair and become the reason of an intensive hair loss. You will be definitely surprised, when you learn that strong tea and coffee effect negatively on your hair condition if you drink more than four cups a day. Doctors do not exclude a harmful influence of smoking and frequent drinking of alcohol. The rough rhythm of our life doesn't make a positive influence on the structure and quality of our hair. We work much, we sleep little, we experience nervous and physical overloads and we absolutely forget to have rest. The cause of hair collapse can also be an irrational/unbalanced nutrition, which entails shortage of elements useful for hair health: vitamins, trace elements, amino acids. It is proved that extreme diets effect negatively on the hair condition. Atrophied bulbs are the consequence of impetuous loss of weight. If a woman or a man loses more than 10 %-15 % of body mass in a short period of time, the result most likely will lead to albuminous deficiency, a misbalance of minerals and other troubles. Owing to an express diet it is possible to obtain a slender figure but the pleasure from the achieved effect will be saddened: the hair will grow thin and the nails will start to exfoliate and break. Infections can also affect the quality of your hair: acute or chronic infections, derangement of metabolism, chronic diseases, hormonal failure, endured traumas, uncontrolled reception of medical preparations, long use of hormonal contraceptives, etc. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the liver, kidneys, the biliary tracts and the endocrine system, are, as a rule, reflected in the hair – it grows badly, loses its shine and becomes dry, fragile, lifeless or, on the contrary, unduly fatty and... You lose it. The loss of hair together with the bulb is a sign of gross infringements in your organism. Dermatological diseases can essentially slow down the hair growth: psoriasis, eczema or seborrhea. The hair also suffers from an insufficient nourishment of the head skin and bad blood supply to hair follicles – their growth is slowed down and they weaken.
If the hairs are easily broken, they have nodules and over-wound parts; it means their structure is damaged. The reason of the trouble is a disease of the hair core, which can be both congenital and acquired. It is also possible to part with your magnificent chevelure after mechanical, thermal and chemical overloads (painting, drying and setting with a hair drier and chemical waving). Constant use of a hair drier and strong setting means is perniciously reflected in hair. Daily backcombing is very harmful too, especially, if you use a metal or rough hairbrush with sharp cogs. It is a poor-quality brush. A serious harm to the "heart" of the hair can even be made by the shampoo, which does not suit your type of hair. It deprives the hair of hydrolipidic film, which is made by the secret of the sebaceous glands, located in the head skin. As a result the hair loses its moisture and becomes dry, thin, and dystrophic; it easily breaks. There are haircuts, which are blacklisted. They are afro-plaits, dreadlocks, versions of "Babette", including the style of the charismatic British singer Amy Winehouse, variants of a volumetric bunch and a "horse tail". The popular trend – grafting of hair is in the top of nocuous too. It is noticed that many are more anxious by fashionable haircuts, sets and hairstyles, rather than regular care of their head skin. People become sincerely surprised when they learn that hairs suffer and can drop out because the head skin and the hair roots do not receive a sufficient nutrition, air, vitamin D in the form of sun rays, etc.
Very serious occasion for anxiety is an abrupt delay of the hair growth and their impetuous falling out. It is considered a norm if the growth rate of hair makes from10-13 mm to 1,5 cm per month, and the loss – from 60 up to 125 hairs daily. These values characterize the natural process of the hair renewal. Those hairs, whose life cycle has come to an end, drop out. Normally they should be replaced quickly by new hairs. If the number of hairs that fall out is more than that, then you should have a strong motivation to visit a specialized doctor. The risk of a coming baldness is obvious, if your hairs practically do not grow, become very thin and weak; if they look more like fluff and... vanish from the head.
For you to know- Today 40 % of women lose hair somehow or other. The percentage of men is much higher. Actually, the number of people that grow bald is much higher - not everyone resorts to a professional medical aid in such a situation. Without getting a worthy resistance, the bald spot, naturally, wins finally and irrevocably.
- Trichologists and dermatologists are experts who professionally deal with the problems of excessive hair loss and baldness, maintain that recently this problem has taken a global character. Similar sad statistics are observed in all countries. About third of the Earth population suffers from the derangement of the hair life cycle and 50 % are inclined to hair loss. Moreover, alopecia "has become younger". Scientists-evolutionists predict that in a short-term perspective the mankind will become bald-headed, if every person that loses his/her hair wouldn't thoroughly attend to this problem.
When should we consult the doctor?
Any deviation from the status "healthy hair" is a sign of pathology. Without having exhaustive information: what factors have brought your hair to this pitiable condition, it is senseless to undertake anything. Any measures can give an insignificant short-term effect or not give you any result. We urgently recommend you to pay a visit to the doctor, if you notice obvious changes in your hair appearance, if you are concerned by their loss and cannot understand what is happening. For revealing pathological reasons it is necessary to apply complex diagnostics, which can be conducted only in a medical institution. Consultation of an expert becomes extremely important, if you have problems with your head skin, which cannot be solved by means of folk medicine or medical products, which you can buy in a pharmacy without a recipe. We want to warn you: a late reference for a qualified help always prolongs the duration of treatment and tells on the result. You can ask: why? The more hair follicles are damaged, the more difficult it is to restore their structure, to recreate the hair core and to renew a normal growth cycle of the hair. Some time is required to see a real improvement of the situation. You cannot count on instant healing. By complex diagnostics we mean an expanded examination: by dermatologist, trichologist, therapist, neuropathologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist (women) and andrologist (men). You should not neglect consulting an otorhinolaryngologist and a dentist. Each expert will estimate his substratum – the skin, the blood, the reflexes, the centers of infection, immune and endocrine structures, etc. The Canadian scientists advise to growing bald men of middle or mature age to go through the examination of the prostate gland on a regular basis.
Adequate diagnostics (complex or differential) of the hair pathologies, as well as any other diseases of the organism, begin with gathering the anamnesis. Visual examination plays an important role in problem revelation. It is often possible to find the problem by the clinical picture: the type of the hair loss and the skin condition. The method of trichoscopy is an examination of the head hair and skin by means of a trichoscope (a special camera that transfers the data to the computer monitor). The doctor can reveal various changes in the head skin structure and the hairs themselves and determine the phases of their growth, the density of the hair follicles per square centimeter, the quantity of the thinned hairs and their diameter, the total number of hairs on the head to estimate the signs of the head skin diseases... It is possible to calculate individual physiological norm of the hair loss per day. Digital trichoscans find percentage parity between the stages of the hair growth. The growth of hairs occurs constantly by continuous cycles of growth and rest. If the cycles of hair development are shortened, it means the hairs become thinner and gradually lose the pigment, power and drop out. Normally a healthy person has 80-90 % of his/her hair in the phase of growing. By means of a photo trichogram doctors determine the average growth rate of hairs, the number of hairs in the stage of growing and in the stage of falling out. Comparing the amount of hairs in different phases, it is possible to estimate the probability of alopecia and the chances to defeat the baldness.
A spectral analysis of hairs or minerogram enables to collect information on the balance of trace elements in the organism, to conduct diagnostics of mineral exchange derangements, to reveal a parity of necessary and toxic trace elements in the organism and, the most important, to reveal the latent reasons of hair illness. An essential criterion for estimation of the skin health is the character of fat development by glands in the quantitative and qualitative ratio. The appearance of the skin always specifies the sebaceous glands activity. From the point of view of the fat content they single out 4 types of hairs: dry, normal, fat and mixed. The type of hair depends on the type of skin. Modern systems of diagnostics of the skin-hair group enable to get a macro image of hair and a skin of the hairy parts of the head in the monitor and special computer programs carry out their analytical processing, i.e. estimate the condition of the hair bulb, the cuticle, the tip of the hair and to reveal signs of their affection (nodules, breaks, splits, thickening and thinning) to determine pH of the skin (acid-alkaline balance) to determine a level of activity of the sebaceous glands, the skin humidity, etc.
Hair diseases
The basic hair diseases: androgenic alopecia, diffuse (extending) alopecia, focal alopecia (a partial hair loss), splitting hair, seborrhea, dandruff and gray hair. The most widespread form of hair loss or baldness is androgenic alopecia. It is found with the majority of men and alas, with a significant part of women. With men it starts to progress in the young years yet and all in the course of time reveals itself more vividly. With women the loss of hair is less expressed and develops after 35-40-45 years of age. The basic complaints of ladies: loss of density and splendor of hair, their fragility and a bad growth. The symptom of the androgenic alopecia can be the raised greasiness of the head skin. The hair in this case looks dirty; the locks stick together and have a fat cover on. This kind of alopecia is frequently accompanied by fat seborrhea and acne. Among those, who come to doctors in occasion of a diffuse hair loss the majority have seborrheic baldness. It reveals itself with men in a young age (18-20 years), by 30 years their head is already bald. The hair loss is localized mainly in three zones: on the temporal lobes and on the top. The high temples in due course grow, become wider and then merge, leaving a hair island in the middle. Simultaneously on the top another zone of baldness appears and it gradually unites with the occipital one. For the last 20 years cases of a seborrheic baldness become more and more frequent with the representatives of the weaker sex. But despite the high degree of the hair loss women do not become bald. Their hair become thin but does not disappear. Quite often doctors face cases of intensive baldness with women: on top there are so few hairs that the skin is seen. In case of a focal alopecia there is an epicenter of disease - a bald spot. Women suffer from hair loss during pregnancy and after deliveries. This trouble is connected with the algorithm of reproductive system activity and the hormonal differences. Any change in the estrogen level can influence upon the hair condition.
A frequent reason of hair loss is an unhealthy condition of the head skin (seborrheic dermatitis) – a consequence of the broken regulation of the sebaceous glands functions. Because of strengthened secretion of fat the skin of the head becomes greasy, scales off, itches and reddens; dandruff appears. The skin squama block the access of air to the skin, the pores are corked, the bulb cannot normally function, that inevitably leads to abatement of hair roots. Seborrhea may be dry, fat, and mixed - it's any kind can lead to the loss of hair. The most widespread disease of the cores of hair is splitting hair (a hair is split in the middle or at the root). For many people premature gray hair comes as a surprise. The majority of men do not get complexes on this account, but the gray hair does not please women - they immediately paint it. Early gray hair does not mean that you have lost the natural color of your hair irrevocably. You can fight for its reversal. Fortunately, the majority of the acquired diseases of hair yield to treatment! Even in the neglected cases it is possible to pick up an adequate treatment, which will help to suspend the process of their falling out.
Ways to overcome
Today a powerful industry to rescue the balding mankind has been created. Its main strategy: " the major overhaul" of damaged and reanimation of dying hair. Searches of effective methods are unceasing. Today a huge arsenal of ways and means has been accumulated: pharmaceutical and homeopathic preparations, methods of folk medicine. There is a well thought-out hygiene, special approaches to cosmetic care, special cosmetic means. In the same holder there are polyvitaminic complexes, biological additives, pharmacopuncture, manual techniques, mesotherapy, collagen-inducing therapy, etc. Hardware techniques "are at war" with the hair loss too: electrophoresis of medical preparations on areas of hair thinning or balding, ultrasonic influence, phototherapy, cryotherapy, ozonotherapy, hot treatment, electrostatic and vacuum massages... The technology of baldness treatment by means of low-intensity laser therapy has been developed. There is a method of laser biostimulation, a laser hairbrush is used. There are also more powerful means – transplantation of hair. People, who have faced this problem, know that among well-known means of struggling against the loss of hair or progressing baldness a miracle panacea is not available. No lightning effect can be produces. Treatment, as a rule, is complex, long-lasting, and, at times, lifelong. Operations against baldness are taking place in a "non-stop" mode. Scientific knowledge is accumulated, motivating scientists to continue researches and to find new ways for resolving this difficult problem.
Platelet-Rich Plasma – the stake is on in-house resource
Today "rebooting" is taking place in the world medicine. Obvious is the tendency for decrease of medicinal pressure on the organism as well as a gradual refusal to apply painful invasive procedures for regeneration (restoration). The stake is made on maximal use of person's own resources. The scientists are sure that very soon the technologies of the regenerative medicine will be able to change essentially the structure of the skin, will improve and rejuvenate the tissues without damaging them. The more data scientists receive about the human organism, its organs and systems, the more grounds they have for optimistic forecasts and... real finds. A qualitatively new effective medical approach has been developed. It justly belongs to high technologies. The technique is based on stimulation of natural regeneration. It is PRP-therapy (Platelet-Rich Plasma) – injections with use of the patient's own plasma of blood, enriched with thrombocytes and factors of growth.
For you to know
The PRP-technology was approved by FDA and a similar organization in EU. The progressive method today is in demand in various areas of medicine: neurosurgery, maxillofacial, reconstructive, orthopedic and cardiovascular surgery, in transplantology, traumatology, dentistry, otorhinolaryngology, sports and a burn medicine... It has also proved its efficiency in aesthetic medicine in particular in plastic surgery for improvement and acceleration of healing of postoperative wounds and in dermatocosmetology for rejuvenation of skin and correction of age changes. PRP-therapy has appeared an effective clinical tool also in trichology. It is used for treatment of various problems of skin and the hairy part of the head.
The human body conceals in huge reserve forces and blood, circulating in it, besides its life-maintaining functions is capable to heal. And that is the reason why: blood answers almost for all exchange processes and, moving in blood vessels, gets into each cell of the person's organs and tissues, providing their vital activity. Each type of the blood cells has its own function. Erythrocytes provide breath for tissues. Leukocytes protect the organism from infections and other harmful influences. Thrombocytes are the main "players" in the complex process of blood coagulation. They are natural source of growth factors of the albuminous molecules, which regulate and stimulate the division (growth) and the survival of cells. Cell fission is the basis of development and growth of organism and it also provides self regeneration of tissues, restoration of their integrity in case of damage. Thrombocytes are powerful bio-agents of regenerative processes. Factors of a growth are alarm molecules for interaction between cells. They are necessary for cellular differentiation and a normal cellular cycle. The most accessible source for receiving factors of growth is thrombocytes. The real means for using factors of growth with the purpose to activate regeneration is application of plasma enriched with thrombocytes (PRP). An increase in concentration of thrombocytes causes an increase in concentration of factors of a growth. As a matter of fact, PRP-therapy is an association of an innovative development with an inborn ability of the human body to cure itself. It is a question of stimulating the protective functions of organism, improvement of metabolism in tissues by introduction of human autogenous plasma enriched with thrombocyte factors of growth. If we interpret the term PRP literally, then the plasma enriched by thrombocytes is plasma in which concentration of thrombocytes is iteratively exceeded. Normally it varies (150 000/microliter - 350 000/microliter). The stimulating effect of regeneration reveals itself when concentration of thrombocytes is 1.000.000/microliter, not less. The saturation of thrombocytes and factors of growth by PRP technology can be increased to this parameter. Such plasma is capable to force all cellular reactions and to accelerate regeneration. In this case it represents a unique center of biologically active components, including 7 major factors of growth (their concentration also increases), which are capable to begin an urgent "repair", i.e. a fast restoration and strengthening of the tissues. An increase in concentration of biologically active proteins functions as a catalyst for acceleration of a curative process in the damaged areas. The more thrombocyte factors of growth are delivered to an unhealthy tissue, the higher is the potential of its healing or restoration. PRP-therapy accelerates these processes. Regenerative properties of plasma grow proportionally with a growth of concentration of thrombocytes and factors of growth concentrated in the received fraction.
In our clinic
For production of plasma (APC +TM) enriched with thrombocytes and factors of growth from autogenous (the patient's own) blood they use a special equipment for manufacturing PRP from an authoritative company well-known in the world medical market. The equipment enables to create concentrated cellular suspension within several minutes. APC +TM is made from a small quantity of the patient's blood – from 20 up to 60 ml is required (depends on the size of the problem zone). Such insignificant "loss of blood" does not influence the state of health, does not require rehabilitation and does not bring changes in the vital rhythm. Blood sampling is carried out from the median elbow vein (same as for blood test) into vacuum-processed sterile disposable test tubes. After processing, blood is divided into 3 fractions: packed red blood cells, plasma and the fraction enriched by thrombocytes and factors of growth, which presents a special clinical interest.
PRP-therapy with a bioactive concentrate APC +TM
It has been proved that PRP-therapy can initiate the awakening of sleeping hair follicles, can stop their dying off and can participate in building young collagen and in rejuvenation of skin cells. Hair follicles actively react to signals of their own blood cells and perceive them perfectly. Thrombocytes start natural mechanisms of self-restoration/treatment, stimulating growth and division of new healthy cells. Mechanism of physiological regeneration is 100 % active in 100 % cases. Why? Such an algorithm of restoration has been primordially conceived by nature and by means of PRP technology it is possible to make processes of regeneration active and intensified where they are most needed. PRP-therapy for hair and the head skin is a stimulation of the latent reserves of tissues, improvement of the head skin and restoration of hair at the micro-level. Today in doctors' clinical practice there are impressive results when injection introduction of plasma enriched with thrombocytes and factors of growth in zones of hair loss it is possible to prevent their loss and initiate their growth. Health of the skin depends on good functioning of cells, in particular fibroblasts, which make a hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, which in their turn are responsible for elasticity and quality of the skin structure, i.e. its healthy matrix. A low quantity of these substances provokes its problem conditions. Injection introduction in the areas, which require restoration, a bioactive concentrate APC +TM helps the skin to open its "strategic stock" (natural reserves) and to begin "reprogramming" the processes of self-restoration on biologically more active functional level. The bioactive concentrate APC +TM contains factors of growth, which stimulate fibroblasts to manufacture hyaluronic acid and collagen. Huge quantity of thrombocytes together with factors of growth, delivered to a problem area, restructure it and build a skeleton from bioactive parts. This basis is filled with new collagenic and elastinic fibers. The intercellular skin matrix becomes stronger, the exchange processes improve and synthesis of new collagen and production of hyaluronic acid becomes more active. Local immunity rises, microcirculation and metabolism improve in skin cells, tissue breath is normalized and the protective barrier of the skin is restored. Due to the adjusted blood circulation the nutrition of hair bulbs improves and so does their structure. Pathological process of thinning and hair loss stops. Activization of their growth takes place – the sleeping hair follicles "wake up", the process of their atrophy stops. PRP-therapy with APC +TM has an essential potential for correction and managements of cyclic vital activity of hair follicles. "Start" of thrombocyte factors of growth in zones of micro traumas or inflammations initiates a chain of important positive changes, including the "rebooting" of growth cycle of hair follicles. Procedures with APC +TM are capable to normalize work of sebaceous glands too. Fat and dry seborrhea disappears. With expressed alopecia the growth of lanugos begins and by the end of the course of treatment the growth of healthy hair is prominent. A positive result is obvious after the first procedure (within a month) – the thinning and hair loss are slowed down or stop (individual parameter).
The slowed down hair growth, thinning of hair and their thinning out, structural derangements of hair (thin/dry/increased fragility), dim color of hair, hair loss, androgynous alopecia (baldness) of men and women, focal alopecia, diffuse alopecia, fat and dry seborrhea (dandruff), the raised dryness or fattiness of the head skin, fat and dry dandruff, hair loss as a result of chronic overfatigue or stress, hair loss because of chemical waving or frequent colorings, loss of hair owing to the lack of vitamins and trace elements, age changes of hair structure, premature loss of the hair pigment (early gray hair), splitting hair tips, skin diseases (seborrheic dermatitis, fungoid lesion).
Derangement of thrombocytes functioning, critical level of thrombocytes and fibrinogen, unstable hemodynamics, derangement of blood coagulability, blood infection, acute infectious and oncological diseases, skin inflammatory diseases, dermatitis and solar burns on the head skin, chronic liver diseases, inflammatory process in the organism, pregnancy or breast-feeding, renal or hepatic insufficiency, depressions, mental diseases and intake of aspirin.
Procedure Platelet-Rich Plasma of therapy
It is carried out in conditions of a day time hospital. The doctor makes address hypodermic microinjections in patient's problem zones, using the techniques of mesotherapy. The duration is about 1 hour, including the time of APC +TM preparation. Algorithm of procedures: the course consists of 3-6 procedures which are carried out with an interval of 1 time per half a year or 1 year. The optimum amount of procedures is chosen by the doctor for each person individually depending on the problems.
Doubtless advantage of the method Platelet-Rich Plasma is a long-term effect. The achieved result can keep for some years (it depends on specific features of the organism) and gradually will become stronger due to cascade (forward) restoration of natural physiological processes in the skin. Efficiency of PRP-therapy with APC +TM is supported and increased due to the complex medical approach. Making of such therapeutic programs is a doctor's prerogative. Effectiveness of PRP-therapy in many respects depends on timeliness of your visit to an expert and his/her qualification. It is necessary to perceive adequately the opportunities of plasma-therapy and to understand that it not a magic wand. It is impossible to get a magnificent chevelure if you have always had thin and dim hair. The genetic factor remains basic, nobody has cancelled it.
- Harmlessness and reliability are doubtless advantages of PRP-therapy! As plasma, rich with thrombocytes (thrombocyte suspension with factors of growth) is made from the patient's own blood, full biocompatibility is provided. It is harmless from the point of view of transmitting infectious diseases (HIV, virus hepatitis, etc.); excluded is any manifestation of immunogenic and allergic reactions and probability of rejection. During the use of PRP-technology no by-effects have been revealed. PRP-therapy is applicable for any type of skin.
- Pledge of safety of PRP-procedures is the status and authority of the medical institution in which such a treatment is carried out.
- The key moment is a question of choosing corresponding equipment and consumables for carrying out the procedure using thrombocyte plаsma. Predicted effectiveness of PRP-therapy depends on qualitative and quantitative composition of the end-product - the content of thrombocytes and factors of growth (thrombocyte factors of growth) in it. Medical effect is produced not by autologous plasma itself but by the increased to a due level amount of thrombocytes, containing necessary factors of growth. High concentration of viable thrombocytes and factors of growth contained in them are clinically valuable qualities of a thrombocyte concentrate. Only then it can be positioned as Platelet-Rich Plasma. Enriched by thrombocytes and factors of growth plasma can be made only with the help of specialized hi-tech equipment from authoritative companies-manufacturers, working in the area of cellular technologies.
- In a usual laboratory centrifuge with test tubes it is impossible to create a high-grade bioactive concentrate; therefore the procedure will a priori be inefficient. Such an approach incorrectly interprets the method, discrediting it and is unsafe for patients.
- To warn patients against erroneous conclusions, we consider it necessary to explain this: PRP technology (Platelet-Rich Plasma) has no relation to the stem cell therapy. PRP is quite a different method.
As in any injection method, small hematomas and slight hypostasis within a few hours are possible.